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Reikartz Kropyvnytskyi

Business-hotel «Reikartz Kropivnitskiy" is conveniently located in the central area of the city. It is just a five minute walk to the center from the hotel, and seven minutes to the bus and railway stations. It is equally comfortable both vacation and business trips.
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Reikartz Kropyvnytskyi

Business-hotel «Reikartz Kropivnitskiy" is conveniently located in the central area of the city. It is just a five minute walk to the center from the hotel, and seven minutes to the bus and railway stations. It is equally comfortable both vacation and business trips.

Business hotel offers 63 modern rooms, restaurant of European and Ukrainian cuisine, a multifunctional conference room for 50 guests.

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Kirovogradsky region, V. Chornovil Str., 1, Kropyvnytskyi

48.518171 | 32.273521

+38 (0522) 30 50 90


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Other architectural attractions

Monument "Guardian Angel of Ukraine"

1A Eugene Malaniuka Str., Kropivnitskiy


Kirovohrad Regional Local History Museum

street Architect Pauchenko, 40, Kropyvnytskyi

Other architectural attractions

Kropyvnytskyi Academic Regional Ukrainian Music and Drama Theatre named after M.L. Kropyvnytskyi

4, Architect Pauchenko Street, Kropyvnytskyi

Churches, monasteries, sights of pilgrimage

Great Choral Synagogue

Str. Victor Chmilenka, 90/40, Kropyvnytskyi

Churches, monasteries, sights of pilgrimage

Transfiguration Cathedral in Kropyvnytskyi

street Preobrazhenskaya, 22, Kropyvnytskyi


Kirovohrad Regional Museum of Art

60 Velyka Perspektyvna street, Kropyvnytskyi

Forts, castles, palaces

Fortress of St. Elizabeth

1 Ushakova Str, Kropivnitskiy

Natural objects and reserves

Kropivnitskiy Dendrological Park

Eugene Telnov Avenue, 28, Kropyvnytskyi


The Karpenko-Karyi State Museum-Reserve Khutir Nadia

Kirovograd region., village Mykolaivka

Where to stay?


Hotel "Shengen"

Victor Chmilenko St. , 24-D, Kropivnitskiy

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